We need your help to improve the facilities at the North Adelaide Golf Course.

Your responses to this survey will assist us to ensure we focus our resources and improvements on areas that will achieve the best outcome for customers. By submitting a response by midday on Monday 22 April you will go into the draw to win a double pass to LIV Golf.

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* 1. How often do you play golf at the North Adelaide Golf Course per year?

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* 2. Which of the following courses do you mainly play on?

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* 3. Do you bring your own golf equipment when playing at North Adelaide? Select all that apply.

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* 4. Do you hire equipment when you visit the golf course?

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* 5. If you do hire equipment what equipment do you hire? Please select all applicable

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* 6. How do you get to the North Adelaide Golf Course

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* 7. If you come to the golf course by car, do you usually come with someone else in the same car?

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* 8. If you answered 'Yes' to coming with someone else, how many additional people usually accompany you? Select all that apply

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* 9. Do you use the shower facilities at the Golf Course

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* 10. If you do use the shower facilities how frequently do you use them?

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* 11. If the shower facilities are upgraded would you be likely to use the shower facilities

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* 12. If you would be likely to use the shower facilities how often would you use them

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* 13. If you already or be likely to use the shower facilities at the Golf Course what day/s of the week would you expect to use the facilities. Select all applicable.

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* 14. Are you a Season Pass holder?

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* 15. Are you a member of the North Adelaide Golf Club?

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* 16. Please provide any general comments or feedback on your visits to the golf course.

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* 17. If you win the double pass to LIV Golf what days are you able to attend if you win the tickets? Please select all applicable days

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* 18. Please provide contact name and contact details to go in the draw for LIV golf details: