Dear student,

The form below is part of the Go-Lab project evaluation process. Go-Lab aims to provide you with opportunities to gain hands-on experience in science by conducting experiments using modern laboratory equipment and by doing so to deepen your knowledge in fundamental sciences, and motivate you to pursue scientific careers in the future.

The questions in this form ask about the value of science, technology and mathematics in your life and in society. We are also interested in your school experience of these subjects as well as in your thoughts about modern science and technology jobs.

We appreciate your honest and open answers and would like to emphasize that all questionnaires are anonymous, will be analysed by a team of independent researchers and in no way will they be communicated to your teachers, or are related to your school performance. .

Your background

Question Title

* 2. Your teacher's name

Question Title

* 4. Gender

Your Go-Lab experience

Question Title

* 5. In what context have you used Go-Lab?

Question Title

* 7. Please specify which online laboratories or ILSs you have used (name and/or URL) in the course of the school year 2015-2016.

Question Title

* 8. Science, technology and mathematics at your school:
The statements below express different views on science, technology and mathematics in school.
Please indicate your agreement-disagreement with each of them by ticking one box for each statement.

  1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Neither Agree or Disagree 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree
8.1. Using Go-Lab makes it easy for me to understand and learn school science and technology.
8.2. Using Go-Lab, I find school lessons in science and technology interesting
8.3. Using Go-Lab in learning school science and technology, will help me with everyday practical problems.
8.4. Using Go-Lab makes school mathematics easier for me to understand and learn.
8.5. Using Go-Lab, I think school mathematics will have practical use in my daily life
8.6. Using Go-Lab in learning science, technology and mathematics at school makes it easy for me to understand the work of scientists and researchers
8.7. Using Go-Lab, I find mathematics interesting.
8.8. Using Go-Lab in school science, technology and mathematics help me discuss topical scientific issues with fellow pupils.
8.9. Using Go-Lab in school I learn about different career choices available in industry, science, technology and mathematics.

Question Title

* 9. Practical work in science:
The statements below express different view on science practical work in school.
Please indicate your agreement-disagreement with each of them by ticking one box for each statement.

  1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Neither Agree or Disagree 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree
9.1. Using Go-Lab makes practical work in science exciting.
9.2. Using Go-Lab makes practical work in science good because I can work with my friends.
9.3. Using Go-Lab makes me like practical work in science because I can decide what to do myself.
9.4. I would like more practical work using Go-Lab in my science lessons.
9.5. We learn science better when we do practical work using Go-Lab.
9.6. I look forward to doing science practicals using Go-Lab

Question Title

* 10. Science, technology and mathematics in the society:
The statements below express different views on the value of science, technology and mathematics in society.
Please indicate your agreement-disagreement with each of them by ticking one box for each statement.

  1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Neither Agree or Disagree 4: Agree 5. Strongly Agree
10.1. Today all people, regardless of their career choices, need to learn science, mathematics and technology.
10.2. In the near future, our society will need more engineers, technicians and scientists.
10.3. Jobs in science, technology and mathematics can be very different and they need people with very different personal qualities and skills.

Question Title

* 11. Science, technology and mathematics careers:
The statements below express different views on your attitudes regarding science, technology and mathematics careers. Please indicate your agreement-disagreement with each of them by ticking one box for each statement.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
11.1 Learning science, technology and mathematics will help me get a good job.
11.2 Knowing science will give me a career advantage.
11.3 I will pursue a career in science, technology and mathematics.
11.4 I will use inquiry skills in my career.

Question Title

* 12. Learning with Go-Lab:
For each of the following statements please indicate your extent of agreement.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
12.1 Go-Lab as an online learning environment meets my requirements
12.2 Using Go-Lab for learning is a frustrating experience
12.3 It is easy to use the Go-Lab environment
12.4 Working with Go-Lab takes more time than usual