About the survey

Hate crime is any crime that is targeted at a person, or their property, because of hostility or prejudice because of who they are. This could include disability, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexuality, gender identify, etc. Since April 2013 Greater Manchester Police records crimes motivated by hostility or prejudice towards people from alternative sub-cultures, such as goths.

Tony Lloyd is clear that Greater Manchester should be a place where everyone can live their lives without fear of being harassed, abused or attacked because of who they are. He is determined to ensure that anyone who is a victim of hate crime has the confidence to report it to the police, and that the police respond respectfully and appropriately.

This short survey will take about five minutes to complete and will help Tony and Greater Manchester Police to tackle hate crime and support people affected by it.

There is no closing date for responses, but all information received by the middle of October 2015 will be used to feed into an event Tony is holding about hate crime. If you’d like to know more about Tony’s work into hate crime please contact Claire Millett by emailing claire.millett@gmpcc.org.uk or calling 0161 793 3409.

Details of how to report a hate crime can be found here: