We'd love to hear your thoughts on the ORGANO Global Success Conference. Please take a moment to answer this short survey.

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* 1. Are you an Organo:

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* 2. If you are a Distribution Partner, what is your current rank?

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* 3. What region of the ORGANO World are you watching from?

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* 4. Where did you watch the event?

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* 5. Did you watch this event with your team/organization? If so, let us know how many people joined your viewing party

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* 6. What motivated you to attend the ORGANO Global Success Conference 2022?

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* 7. Tell us what the most memorable/impactful moments of the ORGANO Global Success Conference are for you

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* 8. Did the event meet your expectations?

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* 9. How likely is it that you would recommend the event to a friend or others?

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* 10. What are the 3-5 things you heard/learned from the ORGANO Global Success Conference that you will ACT on today?

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* 11. We'd like to know which content resonated well with you, those that you found interesting and helpful. Please rate each segment with 1 being the least interesting for you, and 5 being the most interesting

  1 2 3 4 5
Dr Robert Rakowski - How to position the new product on the market
Casey Nielsen Martin - How to launch your business
Blanca Sachtouras - How to re-launch your business
Abbey Ikeola - My story, Why Organo 
Diane Solano - How to start your business
Szilveszter Gyulai - How to maximize the Star Achiever program
Wendy Abel - How to persevere
Emily Morrow - How to influence the masses
Mike Duong - My story, why ORGANO
Pete Cohen - How to keep your business together during challenging times
Nicole Conradie - How to support your team

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* 12. Overall, how would you rate this event (1 is the lowest, 5 is the highest)

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* 13. Which type of events most interest you? [check all that apply]

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* 14. If you could describe virtual ORGANO Global Success Conference 2022 in one sentence, what would that be?

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* 15. Is there anything else you’d like to share about this event?