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The Village of Glendale is currently developing a Strategic Plan to establish the Village’s priorities and goals for the next 5 to 10 years. As part of this planning, we want to hear from all residents.  We ask that you please complete our survey about the Village and its services and programs.
It should take about 10-20 minutes to complete the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a resident of the Village of Glendale?

If you answered "No" to Question 1, please skip to Question 5.

Question Title

* 2. How long have you lived in Glendale?

Question Title

* 3. What best describes your household?

Question Title

* 4. Where do you live in Glendale:


Question Title

* 5. What would you most like to see the Village of Glendale invest in?
(Please rank your choices 1 through 5, with 1 being most important.)

  1 2 3 4 5
Repave streets
Replace watermains
Repair gas lamps
Extend sidewalk along Chester Road
A narrow hiking trail through the Oak Greenbelt
Improve stormwater management
Slow vehicular traffic/increase safety
Other (please specify below):

Question Title

* 6. What would you most like to see the Village of Glendale invest in?
(Please rank your choices 1 through 3, with 1 being most important.)

  1 2 3
Replace Lake Park playground equipment
Create walking/bicycling trail in Oak greenbelt
Create a new park at greenspace near Walnut and Glendale Ave
Install a splash park in an existing park
Create a dog park somewhere in the Village
Other (please specify below):

Question Title

* 7. What would you most like to see the Village of Glendale invest in?
(Please rank your choices 1 through 5, with 1 being most important.)

  1 2 3 4 5
Improve Village “branding” with decorative plantings & wayfinding signage
Improve appearance of major entrances to the Village
Increase availability of senior-friendly housing in the Village
Create a new main entrance to the Village Square from Sharon Ave
Free Wi-Fi in the Square
July 4 fireworks
Underground Railroad Tours
Host community events at Lake Park (food trucks, sand volleyball, movies)
Other (please specify below):

Question Title

* 8. What would you most like to see the Village of Glendale invest in?
(Please rank your choices 1 through 3, with 1 being most important.)

  1 2 3
Reinstate free back-of-house trash pickup
Create a social media presence
Lighted signage to share important dates and information in the Village
Modernized community meeting space in Town Hall (sound system, video screens)
Other (please specify below):

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following would you MOST like for the Village of Glendale to invest in?


Question Title

* 10. Would you support any of the following to increase municipal revenue streams to fund enhanced infrastructure, public services, and/or civic amenities?


Question Title

* 11. Which of the following do you feel would make the community more attractive to young families?
(Check all that apply)


Question Title

* 12. What types of housing options do you feel would make the community more attractive to seniors?
(Check all that apply)


Question Title

* 13. What best describes your preference for long-term maintenance of the gas lights?


Question Title

* 14. Please provide any specific locations where you feel slowing vehicular traffic and increasing safety is needed:


In addition to over a dozen surrounding communities and county agencies, the Village of Glendale is partnering with Tri-State Trails to complete a regional trail feasibility study for the Mill Creek Triangle Trail. The regional trail, also referred to as a shared use path or multi-use trail, is planned to be approximately 10-12 feet wide and would connect several communities in northern and central Hamilton County.  A portion of the project in Glendale will make up part of the overall Mill Creek Triangle trail system.

In Glendale, there are two primary “east / west” trail route alternatives that are being studied to connect the trail from Sharon Woods in Sharonville to Glenwood Gardens in Woodlawn:

·       Route the trail through the Oak Road / East Greenbelt property (or along the Oak Road frontage of the property).

·       Route the trail along Sharon Road.

Question Title

* 15. How would you rank the safety of walking and bicycling in the Village of Glendale today?

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* 16. What types of walking and bicycling facilities would you like to see more of in Glendale?
(Check all that apply)

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* 17. How would you prefer the Regional Trail to traverse through Glendale?


Question Title

* 18. Please provide any other suggestions below on future enhancements you would like to see in the Village of Glendale:

Optional: Please provide your Name and Email if you would like to receive updates on the strategic planning process.

Question Title

* 19. Name:

Question Title

* 20. Email:


Thank You for Your Participation!
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