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The Bow Valley Good Food Box is a pilot project brought to you by a host of local organizations.  In order to adhere to our pilot project granting agreement, we are required to ask participants a few questions prior to and following the purchase of a Good Food Box.  This information will be used to evaluate if/how we proceed with this programming option across the Bow Valley. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and we assure you the information will be kept confidential and only be used for these stated purposes.

This survey will take less than 3 minutes to complete.

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* 1. Where do you currently live?

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* 2. You are:

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* 3. How many people live in your household? Children are considered 17 years old and under. Adult is anyone 18 years and older.

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* 4. The ages of the ADULTS in your household are (choose all that apply):

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* 5. The ages of the CHILDREN/YOUTH in your household are (choose all that apply):

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* 6. Your annual HOUSEHOLD income level is (we ask this as it is one of the items we have to report back to our funders):

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* 7. Which of the following applies to your housing situation:

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* 8. Did you file an income tax return for 2018?
note: if did not file your taxes, contact your local Family & Community Support Services to see if you are eligible for a free income tax session &/or if you are eligible for any of the income support programs.

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* 9. Why are you interested in ordering a Good Food Box?

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* 10. Since living in the Bow Valley, have you ordered fresh produce from a delivery service before? (ie. SPUD, Organics Box, etc.)

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* 11. How did you hear about the Good Food Box? Check all that apply.

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* 12. Do you or any of your household members have special dietary needs that can't be found locally?

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* 13. What makes it hard for you to currently access fresh produce? Select all that apply.

0 of 13 answered