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* 1. Do you have a client-facing role?

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* 2. Do you work part-time?

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* 3. Does your role have dual duties?

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* 4. Please choose the most appropriate response to the below statement:

The volume of administration tasks and duties related to service delivery make it difficult to complete my core duties.

In each of the following categories below, please rank how important each one is in regard to administration of tasks and duties (high importance, low importance, not an issue). Feel free to add a comment with any suggestions on how the area could be improved or to note a specific concern.

Question Title

* 5. Billing processes

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* 6. Service agreement processes

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* 7. Carelink rostering and recording of information

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* 8. Provide additional administration support

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* 9. Caseload management

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* 10. Are there any other concerns you have?

Question Title

* 11. Please choose the most appropriate response to the below statement:

Results of October 2020 survey of members suggested that changes in systems and processes over recent years has been rapid, difficult to adapt to, poorly communicated/managed and at times, lacking apparent purpose.

These changes in systems and processes are impacting negatively on my ability to complete my core tasks.

In relation to systems, processes and the use of various platforms to locate required information:

In each of the categories below, please rank its importance in the administration of tasks and duties (high importance, low importance, not an issue). Feel free to add a comment with any suggestions on how the area could be improved or to note a specific concern.

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* 12. Multiple platforms for resources, policies and procedures

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* 13. Keeping up with new processes and procedures

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* 14. Using/following multiple communication platforms

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* 15. NDIS procedures

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* 16. Carelink and Outlook platforms not being integrated

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* 17. Management/organisational structure was another area raised in October's survey results as a significant factor contributing to the stress and difficulties experienced by members at GDN.

Which area of management do you feel is best able to address the concerns mentioned in this survey?

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* 18. In relation to performance reviews and remuneration, please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

The appraisal process for client-facing staff requires greater transparency and mutual agreement.

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* 19. I have received formal feedback that clarifies my appraisal outcomes for 2020.

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* 20. My KPIs are fair and objectively assessed.

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* 21. I believe the 70/30 KPI target for client-facing staff is reasonable.

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* 22. I have access to my current KPI ratio via Power BI.

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* 23. If you answered yes to the previous question, would you mind sharing it here?

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* 24. To keep up with my tasks, I regularly work hours that exceed my paid hours (that are not being compensated with TIL or flexible working arrangements).