Welcome to The Good Life Challenge!

This program incorporates 10 days of eating plant-forward for your health, planetary health, and animal welfare (WFPB).

If you've been a part of the event in previous years, for 2025, we will incorporate a new meal guide option - MIND Diet, which features varying amounts of eggs, low-fat dairy, olive oil, seafood, and poultry. The goal of incorporating this new feature is to be more inclusive of foods that people consume and increase adherence.

A whole food, plant-based meal guide will be available for those who are ready for an animal-free plan.

Once you register, you'll receive an email with a preview of some resources. In a subsequent email, we'll provide you with the meal planning tools to prepare for day one on January 13.

Click NEXT to register!

Please add: wellness@smolaconsulting.com to your email contact list.
20% of survey complete.