
The Bay Area Goods Movement Collaborative, led by a joint effort between MTC and Alameda CTC, creates an organized structure to ensure effective advocacy for goods movement needs in Alameda County and the Bay Area region at-large.

Alameda CTC and the MTC are working together to develop the Countywide Goods Movement Plan and update the Regional Goods Movement Plan. These plans will provide a vision for the countywide and regional goods movement systems and will describe both short- and long-term strategies, including projects, programs and policies for achieving the goods movement vision.

Both agencies are completing the strategy evaluation work for Phase III of the goods movement plans. Strategies include projects, programs and policies to address goods movement needs in Alameda County and the Bay Area.

Through this survey, we are seeking your input and ideas for each Opportunity Package and the high priority strategies for improving freight in the Bay Area region. Opportunity Packages include:

- Opportunity Package #1: Sustainable Global Competitiveness
- Opportunity Package #2: Smart Operations and Deliveries
- Opportunity Package #3: Modernized Infrastructure for Emerging Industries

Please take a moment to complete this brief survey. For your reference, visit to view the Opportunity Package display boards that correspond to this survey.