Thank you for participating in FOURTUO's COVID-19 B2B Impact Survey

A few minutes of your time will help shape the future of the cannabis industry.
Your response to this survey provides the performance data that will aid in generating the business intelligence needed to further legitimize this industry.  Leading to the removal of barriers that currently impede the progress of businesses in and serving the cannabis industry.
Please respond as accurately as possible.
Your privacy is important to us and we will not sell or distribute sensitive data.

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* 1. My business revenue has been negatively impacted by COVID-19

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* 2. Planned business Growth, Expansion or Innovation was delayed as a result of COVID-19

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* 3. Corporate Social Responsbility [giving back to the community] was a priority for your business during the Covid-19 crisis

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* 4. Regular business operations were impacted by COVID-19

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* 5. Your business was featured or mentioned in online, print or broadcast media during the COVID-19 crisis

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* 6. Your customers were satisfied with the level of service you rendered/provided during the COVID-19 crisis

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* 7. Adhering to Standards and Best Practices was critical to success during the COVID-19 crisis

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* 8. The following statements have been made about the cannabis industry, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following

  Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
It is really difficult to find competent and skilled staff in this industry
Legislation is prohibiting growth and development in the market
The lack of access to banking institutions for cannabis businesses increases risks to investors
Businesses that operate in the cannabis industry are essential

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* 9. In order to receive the results of this survey, please provide the following information.

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* 10. What is your job title?

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* 11. How would you best describe what segment(s) of the cannabis industry your business serves. Check all that apply.

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* 12. Are you interested in sharing information about your business with a Fourtuo Analyst?