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* 1. Overall, how do you rate the quality of the Policy to Practice Forum on Transportation and Direct Support (DSP) Workforce Crisis session?

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* 2. This session has increased my knowledge about transportation options for people with significant support needs.

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* 3. How would you rate current transportation options in your region for people with the most significant communication, behavior and sensory support needs?

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* 4. What are the barriers to accessing transportation for this population?

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* 5. This session has increased my knowledge about options for meeting the support needs of people with significant sensory, communication, and behavior challenges.

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* 6. How would you rate the availability of qualified direct support staff in your region for people with the most significant communication, behavior and sensory support needs?

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* 7. What are the barriers to providing qualified direct support staff for this population?

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* 8. In future forums about supporting this population, which source of information do you think would be most helpful to you? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. If you are interested in joining the Policy to Practice group, please provide your contact information to receive a calendar invite for monthly meetings and get added to the group emails. Meetings occur virtually on the 4th Thursday from 1pm-2:30pm.  If you are already part of Policy to Practice or do not want to join, please skip this question.

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* 10. Other comments

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* 11. I would like DODD continuing education units (CEUs) and/or a Certificate of Attendance.