Fairbanks Youth Soccer Association is excited to host our 6th Annual Fairbanks Food Truck Rally which will take place on Friday, June 11th, 2021. This year's event take place from 3pm to 9pm and vendors are asked to remain the entire duration of the event (i.e. if you close down prior to 9pm, that's ok, but we can't have breakdown traffic through the event until the end of the night). Vendors with lines of customers who want to continue past 9pm are permitted, with the understanding that most others will be closing up shop and heading out for the night. This is a fun, all ages event held at the FYSA complex on Wilbur Street. The following application is primarily for food vendors, but anyone interested in being part of our event who offers other family-friendly products/services is welcome to apply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email at director@fairbanksyouthsoccer.com or call us at 907-456-3972

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* 1. Business Information

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* 2. Type of Business Setup?

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* 3. Total linear feet (length) needed for your setup.

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* 4. Type of cuisine? (non-food vendors, please describe your product/service)

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* 5. There will be no electrical access available at this event. Will you be using a generator?

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* 6. Any other important details we should be aware of?

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* 7. Vendors must be up to date with all applicable State of Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation regulations and permits, as well as maintain appropriate insurance coverage. Additionally, BOOTH vendors or those who won't be operating out of their regular permitted unit, are encouraged to determine if they're required to apply for a Temporary Food Service Permit as well. Click here for more info about the TFSP.

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* 8. Because this event takes place within the City of Fairbanks, all participating vendors MUST have a current City Business License, no exceptions! (FYSA is fined if our event includes non-licensed vendors) Click here for more info on City of Fairbanks Business Licenses (typically only $40 for small businesses)

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* 9. Many venue hosts have set requirements for space rental fees. FYSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit youth organization (EIN 92-0066497) and this NPO status allows for tax-deductible donations. We request that each business donate a minimum of 10% of their sales for the night to support our programs. There are no other booth/space or vendors fees for this event other than this donation.

Businesses should always consult with a tax attorney or accountant for specific parameters regarding tax-deductions for donations to non-profits. We'd like to end the night with as few loose ends as possible so please plan to visit with the event coordinator before leaving to make your donation or communicate plans for follow-up. Payment can be made via cash/check/card. By selecting 'Yes' below, you pledge to make a donation to the host, FYSA, to support our programs and mission.

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* 10. This year's event will run from 3pm to 9pm. In past years, we occasionally have a large number of vendors show up just barely before the start of the event, trying to get in place and set up, causing a lot of challenges for the event layout and set up. We ask that ALL vendors be in place no later than 2:30pm so that the final 30 minutes can be free from vehicles and trailers moving around as finale preparation are made.

Submitting this application will not send you any kind of direct, automated confirmation. FYSA can view all submissions at any time and will add folks to our list as responses come through. If you are a food vendor, consider yourself automatically approved as a vendor for the Food Truck Rally unless you hear otherwise. NON-food vendors are approved only on case-by-case basis (to avoid duplicate business types) and we will contact you with confirmation.

If you're unsure about your status, want to verify that we have received your application, revise any details provided after submission of this form, or if you have ANY questions whatsoever, feel free to contact us at director@fairbanksyouthsoccer.com or 907-456-3972 (office) or call/text 907-987-6334 (Executive Director cell). We also ask that if you change your mind and no longer plan to attend the event, please let us know so we can update our list of vendors.

We will reach out to everyone in the final week or two before the event to share more specific details. For now, m
ark you calendars for June 11th!