Lived Experience Workforce Conference
2nd & 3rd May 2018 - Victoria Park, Brisbane

Northern Queensland PHN is an independent not-for-profit commissioning organisation funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health to improve the health outcomes of the region.

We identify where there are areas of need, such as lack of health care services, difficulty in accessing these services, or regions with particularly high health needs, and work closely with GPs, allied health care providers, hospitals and the broader community to ensure patients can receive the right care in the right place at the right time.

Northern Queensland PHN is offering 10 lived-experience workers full registration scholarships to the upcoming dialogue: 2018 Lived Experience Workforce Conference being hosted by Brook RED on Wednesday 2nd & Thursday 3rd May 2018.

Registration to the conference is valued at $350. Please note, the Northern Queensland PHN scholarships are available only to those lived experience workers who practice in the Northern Queensland PHN region.

The conference will provide an opportunity to explore the following themes:

collaborate - working in a connected way with other lived-experience workers, in multi-disciplinary teams, across sectors, and in myriad other ways.

create - bringing newness, innovation, and hope to systems, situations, ways of communicating, ways of working, and bringing fresh approaches to what we do.

cultivate - growing and supporting ourselves, each other, our workforce, our communities, our ideas.

More information can be found at:

We understand that registrations costs may be prohibitive for some peer workers and want to ensure that lived-experience workers who work in the Northern Queensland PHN region have the opportunity to attend dialogue: 2018 as a professional development activity.

Requirements to attend:

Peer Workers within the Primary Care and NGO sector

Ability to attend both 2nd & 3rd May 


Other associated costs such as transportation or accommodation will be the responsibility of the applicant

Employees within the Primary Care and NGO’s sector will be given priority to the scholarships

How to apply:

If you wish to apply for a scholarship please submit this application form by 5:00PM on Thursday 22nd March.

Please complete your application by submitting this form. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of lived-experience workers. The panel will be comprised of lived experience workers from a range of organisations. Applicants will be notified if their applications have been successful by 5:00PM on Tuesday 3rd April.

Any questions should be emailed to Please note that employees of Brook RED are not eligible for these scholarships.

If unsuccessful in this process Brook RED will honour the early bird rate for your registration if you still wish to attend the conference.

Thank you for your application.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Do you work within the Community Sector (NGO or Primary Care)?

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* 3. Which organisation do you work for?

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* 4. What is your role?

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* 5. What area do you work in? (must be within the Northern Queensland PHN Region)

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* 6. What is your best phone number?

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* 7. What is your email address?

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* 8. Do you work in a role that requires you to use your lived experience?

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* 9. Please tick the box that represents your current employment status

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* 10. Is your employer able to fund you to attend the conference?

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* 11. Please tell us why you would like to attend this conference (no more than 150 words)

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* 12. How do you think attending the conference will enhance your ability to carry out your role? (no more than 150 words)

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* 13. What are your top professional development goals as a lived experience worker? (no more than 150 words)