R.A.C.E. Provider #776-41762
Session Topic: Flight Mechanics, Parrot Welfare, and Ethical Concerns
Delivery Method: Interactive Distance
Subject Matter Categories: Scientific/Exotic Animal Medicine

We would appreciate your feedback about this LafeberVet Webinar. Please complete the survey below.

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* 1. How would you rate the content of this webinar?

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* 2. The presentation met the course objectives as stated above.

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* 3. The program content presented was relevant to my practice.

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* 4. The percentage of birds seen in my practice is approximately…?

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* 5. The content was well organized.

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* 6. The speaker appeared knowledgeable about the subject matter presented.

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* 7. The speaker was effective in her presentation and teaching of the materials.

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* 8. The speaker was responsive to questions.

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* 9. Were there any aspects of the program that we could improve?

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* 10. Were there any aspects of the program that we could improve?

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* 11. What other topics would you like to suggest for future LafeberVet continuing education events?

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* 12. Contact info (optional)

This program was reviewed and approved by the AAVSB RACE program for continuing education. Please contact the AAVSB RACE program at race@aavsb.org should you have any comments/concerns regarding this program’s validity or relevancy to the veterinary profession.