Thank you for taking the childcare survey.

The purpose of this survey is get feedback on child care needs in Flathead County.   All responses are confidential.   At the end of the survey, click on the "Done" button to record your answers.  You will also be taken to a page to enter a raffle for a free I-Pad!    

Question Title

* 1. What is the zip code for your primary operations/headquarters in Flathead County.

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* 2. Please indicate the number of employees (FTE) at your business.

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* 3. Do you work in the early childcare education or childcare sector?

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* 4. Please indicate the category that best describes your type of business/operation.

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* 5. Over the last two years, please indicate which of the following descriptions is most like your experience with hiring employees at your place of business.

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* 6. In the next two years, please indicate the anticipated growth in employment at your place of business.

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* 7. Please indicate if your business/organization has experienced the following issues in the last year? (Check all that apply.)

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* 8. What actions has your business taken to address the child care issues?

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* 9. Please indicate your level of support for the following policies.

  Do Not Support Somewhat Support Support Strongly Support Don't Know 
One time grants to remodel space or offset other start-up costs for new or expanding child care business
Scholarships for early childhood education degrees (link to working in child care in Flathead County post -graduation)
Apprenticeship opportunities in early childhood education
Insurance pool for child care businesses to provide health care benefits for employees
Increase income eligibility levels for programs that offer reduced child care tuition such as Head Start and Best Beginning 
Expand technical assistance for childcare providers
Referral service for families to get information about child care providers, tuition scholarships and other programs
Outreach to employers on flex time, cafeteria plans, and other policies for addressing workplace issues regarding child care
Build space for child care providers to share services, kitchen, and playground to reduce operational costs
Bonuses to childcare workers to offset low pay
Expand publicly funded early childhood education programs
Employer cooperatives or other partnerships to expand child care capacity
Streamline regulations and licensing requirements for childcare

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* 10. Please share information you have about initiatives, resources  or best practices to address childcare needs. 

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* 11. Thank you for your time to complete the survey.   Please provide email if you are interested in receiving updates on upcoming focus groups and results of the survey.