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The purpose of the Wellness Kits for Inuit Youth in Ontario is to provide added resources to at-risk Inuit youth by providing activity-based kits to support mental well-being during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In an effort to better understand the needs of each child and to determine eligibility, we ask that you complete the following questions:

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* 1. Do you or your child(ren) self-identify as Inuk?

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* 2. Are you registering for more than one (1) Inuk youth?

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* 3. Do you or your child(ren) reside in Ontario?

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* 4. Are you or your child(ren) between 8-18 years of age?

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* 5. Okpik Consulting, an Inuit owned firm in Ontario is supporting Tungasuvvingat Inuit (TI) in the development and delivery of the Wellness Kits for Inuit Youth in Ontario. Do you give consent for Okpik Consulting to retrieve your personal information for the purpose of sending packages to you or your child(ren) and to conduct a follow-up for evaluation purposes? Okpik Consulting has signed a confidentiality agreement with TI to ensure that all personal information is held in strictest confidence and will be removed once the project is complete. At no point will Okpik Consulting contact you outside this project or disclose your personal information to anyone outside of TI's departmental staff overseeing this project.

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