Question Title

* 1. Where are you from?

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* 2. At the Start/Finish Line over the event, how would you rate the following:

  Excellent Good Adequate Poor N/A
Venue Access
Big Screen TVs
Results Screens
Competitor Relations/Event Information

Question Title

* 3. Is there anything missing from the Start/Finish Line Precinct to make your weekend more enjoyable?

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* 4. Did you purchase event merchandise at this year's event?

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* 5. If you did purchase merchandise, how would you rate the following:

  Excellent Good Adequate Poor N/A

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* 6. Are there any merchandise items you would like to see sold at future events?

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* 7. Did you attend Presentation Night?

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* 8. Did you attend the Finke Street Party and Night Markets on Thursday evening?

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* 9. Do you think there is anything we can impove to make the event even better?

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* 10. Are you planning to attend the 2020 Tatts Finke Desert Race?