Every year WV Central sets aside funds to support the community through charitable donations - and 2020 has certainly presented challenges to those organizations that count on fundraisers to do their good work.. so we came up with a plan to FILL THE GAP for our friends at non-profits who have lost funding due to changes in their fundraising plans in 2020, due to COVID.

Please fill out the form and let us know how 2020 has affected your organization - and we will do our best to help fill the gap for as many organizations as possible! Spread the word, please share our Facebook post announcing this grant opportunity. 

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* 1. Name of the Organization

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* 2. Contact Name

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* 3. Contact Email

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* 4. Contact Phone Number

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* 5. Mailing Address

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* 6. Which counties do you serve?

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* 7. Tell us about your 2020 fundraising plans and how they have changed due to COVID-19

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* 8. Give a dollar amount that you believe you have missed out on due to COVID-19 based on your yearly averages for your event/fundraiser

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* 9. If funded - how will the funds be use?

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* 10. If funded - how do we make the check out? (Name and address)