This short value scale is a shortened version of Schwartz’s Value Survey (SVS), which includes 57 value items that represent ten motivationally distinct values.

Question Title

* 1. Please, rate the importance of the following values as a life-guiding principle for you. Use the 8-point scale in which 0 indicates that the value is opposed to your principles,  1 indicates that the values is  not important for you, 4 indicates that the values is important, and 8 indicates that the value is of supreme importance for you.

  Opposed to my principles Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Of supreme importance
POWER (social power, authority, wealth)
ACHIEVEMENT (success, capability, ambition, influence on people and events)
HEDONISM (gratification of desires, enjoyment in life, self-indulgence)
STIMULATION (daring, a varied and challenging life, an exciting life)
SELF-DIRECTION (creativity, freedom, curiosity, independence, choosing one's own goals)
UNIVERSALISM (broad-mindedness, beauty of nature and arts, social justice, a world at peace, equality, wisdom, unity with nature, environmental protection
BENEVOLENCE (helpfulness, honesty, forgiveness, loyalty, responsibility)
TRADITION (respect for tradition, humbleness, accepting one's portion in life, devotion, modesty)
CONFORMITY (obedience, honoring parents and elders, self-discipline, politeness)
SECURITY (national security, family security, social order, cleanliness, reciprocation of favors)