Survey to collect fact sheets (or similar documents) on contaminants in feed |
Welcome to the survey
What is the objective of the survey?
The FAO facilitated Feed Safety Multi-stakeholder Partnership is preparing a series of fact sheets on contaminants in feed. The objective of this survey is to take stock and collect currently available fact sheets (or similar documents) on all kind of contaminants in feed, from all regions in the world and in all languages.
Who should fill out the survey?
We encourage all stakeholders working along the food and feed chain, on a local, regional, national or international level, to fill out this short survey, and most importantly to upload available fact sheets or provide the URL to online available material. Who should fill out the survey?
Feed can be subject to contamination through chemical, microbiological and physical hazards. Hazards can occur naturally in the environment but also in industrial production processes. Environmental pollution and mishandling are causes of feed contamination. Contaminated feed can have severe negative impacts on animal health and welfare and human health.
Contaminants in feed exist globally, but occurrence of hazards and the risk of feed contamination differ geographically. The availability of information on contaminants also varies among geographic regions, which is why it is important to consolidate available information into brief fact sheets for easy dissemination.
Thank you for participating in this 5-minute survey. Your feedback is important and data will be handled confidentially.