When we talk about feedback (usually with a cringy, apprehensive stomach) we tend to focus on how to give feedback.  Research is telling us though, that it’s really important to focus on how to receive feedback.  And yes, that’s a learnable skill. The Learning and Development Roundtable “The surprising skill you didn’t know you needed when giving feedback” does just that. 

And here’s a quick survey to help you discover just how much you know about giving effective feedback.  You’ll get one point for every correct answer.  When you’re finished, click ‘done’ and you’ll see your results.  
The survey takes about 3 minutes to fill in.
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Let’s begin…


Lee-Anne Ragan

This learning well moment is brought to you by Rock.Paper.Scissors Inc. - helping change-makers learn, laugh, and lead.

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* 1. "Telling people what we think of their performance helps them thrive and excel."

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* 2. Telling people how we think they should improve helps people to learn.

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* 3. In general, people are more aware of your weaknesses than you are.

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* 4. The process of learning is like filling up an empty vessel. You lack certain abilities you need to acquire, so your colleagues should teach them to you.

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* 5. “Great performance is universal, analyzable and describable, and that once defined, it can be transferred from one person to another.”

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* 6. “With feedback about what excellence looks like, you are able to understand where you fall short and then strive to remedy your shortcomings.”

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* 7. The more we focus on the above statements the more learning and productivity will occur.

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* 8. Our feedback is deeply coloured by our own views, understanding of what we’re giving feedback, and “our own sense of what good looks like for a particular competency.”

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* 9. More than half of your rating of someone else reflects your own characteristics, not theirs.

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* 10. “Feedback is more distortion than truth.”

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* 11. “We think we are a reliable rater of others.”

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* 12. “The only realm in which humans are an unimpeachable source of truth is that of their own feelings and experiences.”

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* 13. “Learning is less a function of adding something that isn't here than it is of recognizing, reinforcing and refining what is already there.”

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* 14. “Focusing on our strengths catalyzes learning, attention to our weaknesses smothers it.” Focusing on shortcomings and gaps impairs learning.

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* 15. Research shows that asking people what they need to correct tends to light up the sympathetic nervous system, the ‘fight of flight’ system, “which mutes the other parts of the brain and allows us to focus only on the information most necessary to survive.”

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* 16. When we want to help our colleagues excel we should:

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* 17. The following  questions ask you to pick which alternative is the best language to use when trying to help colleagues excel.  Pick one.

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* 18. Pick the one that best represents the language to use when trying to help a colleague excel.

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* 19. Pick the one that best represents the language to use when trying to help a colleague excel.

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* 20. Pick the one that best represents the language to use when trying to help a colleague excel.

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* 21. Pick the one that best represents the language to use when trying to help a colleague excel.

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* 22. Pick the one that best represents the language to use when trying to help a colleague excel.

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* 23. Pick the one that best represents the language to use when trying to help a colleague excel.

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* 24. Pick the one that best represents the language to use when trying to help a colleague excel.

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* 25. Pick the one that best represents the language to use when trying to help a colleague excel.

Thanks for your time! Click done to get your score.