About your farm

Thanks for filling out this short survey! Many agricultural communities have experienced farm labour shortages, and the COVID-19 pandemic has complicated the challenge of hiring and retaining farm staff. Your responses will help us find good solutions to farm labour issues in Ontario, plan projects, and develop better policies and programs at the local and provincial levels.

This survey was developed by the National Farmers Union - Ontario with support from the Ontario government.

Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary. It should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. This survey is meant for farm owners and operators. Your email contact is required. Your email will be kept strictly confidential and your anonymity in any materials produced from this survey is guaranteed.

Fill out the survey for a chance to win a surprise prize!

A survey specifically for farm staff and farm-workers will be available soon.

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* 1. Please enter your email contact information

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* 2. What type of farming do you do? (please check all that apply)

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* 3. What area do you farm (including rented land)? (check one)

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* 5. By car, how close is the nearest city with at least 50,000 people?

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* 6. How do you sell your farm products? (please check all that apply)

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* 7. How many farm operators in total (i.e., owners / management decision-makers) are at your farm?

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* 8. How many farm operators in each age bracket?

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* 9. How many farm operators of each gender?

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* 10. What is your farm business operating arrangement?

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* 11. Is your farm business a cooperative?