All questions are optional, including all contact information. However, answers are appreciated as they allow us to more fully understand your Head Start experience and celebrate your accomplishments.
Privacy Policy: No personal information will be used without your permission. This includes all contact information and personal achievements. Categories such as employment and estimated income will be grouped with other data sets and will not reveal your identity.
Demographic Information

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Age

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* 3. Gender

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* 4. Contact information of your child who attended Head Start. This will enable us to learn about their experience with Head Start from a student's perspective.


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* 7. What year did your child/children complete the Head Start program?

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* 9. When your child was in Head Start, were you pursuing any of the following:

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* 10. Were you able to achieve your educational pursuits?

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* 12. Is your current education status related to your involvement with Head Start?


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* 15. When your child was in Head Start, were you seeking an improved employment situation?

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* 16. Were you able to improve your employment situation during the time that your child was in Head Start?

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* 20. Is your current employment and income status is related to your involvement with Head Start?

Family and Head Start

Question Title

* 22. What notable accomplishments have you made in your lifetime?
e.g., graduating college, home ownership, awards received, job security, etc.

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* 23. What notable accomplishments has your child who attended Head Start made in their lifetime?
e.g., graduating college, home ownership, awards received, job security, etc.

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* 24. How did Head Start help you and/or your family during the time of enrollment?

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* 25. Please share any notable memories that you may have about Head Start.

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* 26. Can we contact you to learn more about your story?

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* 27. When is the best time to contact you?

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* 28. What is the best way to contact you?

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* 29. Additional comments, questions, or concerns.