Please complete the following survey by5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11. Individual responses will not be shared without permission. Please note this survey is for superintendents. For the board member survey, click here.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Title

Question Title

* 3. E-mail address

Question Title

* 4. School District

Instructional Delivery

Question Title

* 5. What is your district's current instructional schedule for students? Please select from the options below and elaborate in the comment box.

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* 6. Does your district off a full-time virtual option for all students?

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* 7. If your district offers a full-time virtual option for students, how many of the full-time virtual students returned to an in-person or blended option?

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* 8. If your district offers a full-time virtual option for students, please describe your experience.

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* 9. Which best describes your district's decision-making model for instructional delivery? Please select ALL that apply and elaborate in the comment box below.

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* 10. Has your district had to close a site(s) for COVID-related reasons?

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* 11. Has your district had to close the entire district at any point for COVID-related reasons?

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* 12. How is your district receiving/managing community input and expectations?

Face Coverings and Personal Protective Equipment

Question Title

* 13. What is your district's current status regarding face coverings for students?  Please check all that apply.

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* 14. What is your district's current status regarding face coverings for faculty and staff? Please select all that apply.

COVID-19 Testing

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* 15. Does your district currently offer COVID-19 testing for faculty and/or staff?

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* 16. Does your district currently offer COVID-19 testing for students?

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* 17. If your district does not currently offer testing for students or faculty, would you be interested in doing so? Please choose all that apply.

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* 18. What concerns/questions do you have about potentially offering COVID-19 testing for faculty, staff and/or students?


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* 19. What successes are you proud of that might be helpful for other districts?

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* 20. What are your biggest concerns for the rest of this school year?

Resources & Support

Question Title

* 21. Has your school district received timely information from county and state health officials?

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* 22. Please provide additional information about your interactions with county and state health officials.

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* 23. What additional resources could OSSBA provide to assist your district with COVID-related issues?

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* 24. Would you participate in virtual town halls with officials from like-sized school districts?

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* 25. Is there anything else you would like to share?