Question Title

* 1. My child/ren have been enrolled at Hope Montessori Academy for:

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* 2. Upon arrival, my family is welcomed by Administrators and program staff daily.

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* 3. I feel respected by the way Administrators communicate with me, my child and my family.

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* 4. The program staff help me and my child transition smoothly between home and school.

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* 5. I feel that I have regular communication with my child’s teacher and that we value each other’s input in a manner that is respectful and in the best interest of my child.

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* 6. When program staff have a concern about my child and his or her development, they communicate this concern to me with sensitivity and respect and in private.

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* 7. Overall, the school has a warm, welcoming feeling.

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* 8. Overall, the program offers competitive, high-quality services.

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* 9. If applicable, please share any feedback you have about our extra-curricular activities including any you would like us to consider adding.

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* 10. I feel that my family is enrolled in the best program in the area.

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* 11. I chose Hope Montessori Academy over other preschools because:

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* 12. Additional comments:

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* 13. Please provide the program your child/ren attend:

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* 14. Optional: My child's actual classroom is: (we love to give our teachers positive feedback!)

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* 15. How likely is it that you would recommend Hope to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely