About METRAC: METRAC Action on Violence with individuals, communities and institutions to change ideas, actions and policies with the goal of ending violence against women and youth. For more information, visit: www.metrac.org.

About this survey: we want to learn how diverse Toronto youth view their faiths/spiritualities as a part of the way they build safer, fairer, more equitable communities and challenge violence and oppression.

For: youth (up to age 29) and youth service providers across the City of Toronto who identify with a spiritual practice, belief, faith, and/or religion.

How will your answers be used? They’ll help METRAC plan a community “think tank” event in May to explore how youth faith/spirituality can be a positive force to challenge all forms of violence and oppression, including gender-based violence, and how communities and organizations can build on that strength.

Your name/contact information will not be connected to your answers. Your feedback and honesty is much appreciated. Thank you!

We thank Olive Tree Foundation for funding support of this project.

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* 1. Tell us how you define your faith and/or spirituality.

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* 2. How does it affect your work or role building community safety, equity, justice, and freedom from violence? Share any impacts, positive or negative.

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* 3. What issues, concerns, or themes are of high importance to you given your spiritual belief/religion/faith?

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* 4. What forms of violence and/or discrimination do you or people who identify with your spiritual belief/religion/faith face?

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* 5. What topics and activities would you want to participate in an inter-faith/spirituality “think tank” discussing youth faith/spirituality in addressing interpersonal and systemic violence?

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* 6. If you want to get details about the think tank event, please give us your email address. If you don’t want to leave your email address, you can check www.metrac.org for information about the event in the future.

Optional questions about you:

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* 7. Age range:

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* 8. Gender:

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* 9. City/town where you live:

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* 10. Please rate

  Not at all Somewhat A lot
if you got thinking about a violence/safety issue because of your participation in the survey
how relevant the topic is to you
if you’d like to learn more about the topic