Financial Aid Outreach Pilot -- August 2022

All public and tribal libraries in the two educational service districts (114 and 123) have been allotted funds based on population to partner with Community Based Organizations to implement projects that will increase financial aid application in your community.
Libraries will use local funds, and then submit documentation to be reimbursed by the Washington State Library. A simple report form will be provided the Washington State Library to report the number of patrons impacted and how the grant funds were used.
For more information and before applying for this grant, please read the grant LibGuide for more information.

Question Title

* Of the following, how do you think you will use these grant funds? Feel free to select all that apply, or select "other" and describe your own ideas!

Question Title

* Do you have any idea of which Community Based Organization(s) you'll likely partner with for this project? If you do, let us know below!

Question Title

* Do you need/want assistance in figuring out a Community Based Organization to partner with? The Washington State Library is happy to help you identify and contact possible partners!

Question Title

* Do you plan to partner with another library on this list and pool your allotted funds? If yes, the Washington State Library will reach out to you to figure out logistics.

Question Title

* Library

Question Title

* Mailing address

Question Title

* City

Question Title

* State

Question Title

* Zip code

Question Title

* The Contracting Authority is the person who has the legal authority to commit the applicant to a contractual agreement and to receive state funding. 

Contracting Authority name

Question Title

* Title

Question Title

* Email

Question Title

* Telephone

Project Manager  (if different from Contracting Authority)

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Title

Question Title

* Email

Question Title

* Telephone