Some quick essentials

Some basic information and contact info so we can send you the results and let you know if you're the contest winner.

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* 1. What is your title? If you do not see your exact title please select the closest below.

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* 3. How many total agents do you have in your company?

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* 4. What is the number of office locations where contact center agents operate? (excluding work from home staff)

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* 5. Who is your current contact center technology provider?

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* 6. What are your average annual contact center equipment maintenance costs (including vendor support agreements, professional services costs, technology upgrades and licenses)?

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* 7. To be entered into the drawing for our year end grand prizes (Apple Vacation, iPad Mini, Visa gift card, Amazon gift card), please provide the following information:

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* 8. What are the 3 things that you wish you had as part of your existing contact center?

17% of survey complete.