1. Agenda Priorities

This survey is the starting point of a process of consultation about the next EuroDIG (www.eurodig.org) which will take place 30-31 May 2011, in Belgrade. The aim of the survey is to set forth a collaborative agenda-setting for the event. Based on the results, it will be possible to identify the areas and topics that are regarded as priority for interested stakeholders. The results of this survey will be made available on the EuroDIG website and will be taken into account by EuroDIG organizers when defining the agenda.

Question Title

* 1. Name (Optional):

Question Title

* 2. Please note your Gender:

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* 3. Please note your country of nationality. Please also note your country of residence if it is different.

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* 4. Please note your stakeholder group:

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the priority of the following Critical Internet Resources sub-themes

  1 (Highest priority) 2 3 (Medium priority) 4 5 (Lowest priority)
New gTLDs
IPv6 transition
Governance of CIR

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the priority of the following Privacy and Data Protection sub-themes:

  1 (Highest priority) 2 3 (Medium priority) 4 5 (Lowest priority)
Privacy on Social Networks
Data Protection
Data retention and data preservation

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the priority of the following Security sub-themes:

  1 (Highest priority) 2 3 (Medium priority) 4 5 (Lowest priority)
Identity Theft
Financial Security
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
Security of the Infrastructure
Security of government Networks

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the priority of the following Openness sub-themes:

  1 (Highest priority) 2 3 (Medium priority) 4 5 (Lowest priority)
Open standards
Open Software
Open Educational Resources
Open infrastructure
Open business models (“open opportunities”)
Open governance

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the priority of the following Access and Diversity sub-themes:

  1 (Highest priority) 2 3 (Medium priority) 4 5 (Lowest priority)
Electrical and other basic services
Access to infrastructure
Access to knowledge and information
Freedom of Expression
Content Filtering

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the priority of the following Emerging Issues sub-themes:

  1 (Highest priority) 2 3 (Medium priority) 4 5 (Lowest priority)
Network Neutrality
Social Networks
Cloud Computing
Responsibility of Internet Intermediaries

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following for their priority as EuroDIG 2011 agenda issues:

  1 (Highest priority) 2 3 (Medium priority) 4 5 (Lowest priority)
Capacity building
Outcomes of EuroDIG
Outreach (impact of EuroDIG in the IGF and other IG-related fora)
Increasing on-site participation
Enhancing remote participation

Question Title

* 12. Please note any comments, suggestions or other feedback: