Question Title

* 1. Should euRobotics/SPARC have a booth with actual exhibits, such as project demos, at the following fairs?

Question Title

* 2. If you are in favor of a booth with actual exhibits, such as project demos, what would you see as the benefits? How would you make use of it?

Question Title

* 3. Should euRobotics/SPARC have a meeting area/lounge at the following fairs?

Question Title

* 4. If you are in favor of a meeting area/lounge, what would you see as the benefits? How would you make use of it?

Question Title

* 5. Would you value euRobotics / SPARC contributions at fora or side events, guided tours, etc.  at one of the listed fairs? Examples include panel discussions organised by a Topic Group (e.g. on Robots and law), guided tours for journalists or delegations related to a specific topic (such as digital transformation of manufacturing), highlighting euRobotics members.

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* 6. If you are in favor, would you be willing to contribute? (please specify how)

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* 7. Should euRobotics/SPARC carry out any other or additional activities in these fairs other than those already mentioned? (please specify)

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* 8. How important would you consider euRobotics being involved in fairs relevant to a specific sector (such as the identified priority areas)?

  Very important Somewhat important Not important
Inspection and maintenance of infrastructure
Agile production

Question Title

* 9. Is your organisation an euRobotics member?