Decent work means we have good jobs that are fair to us and allows us to participate properly in our economy and society.  This survey is about finding out what good jobs means for you and your whānau. By taking part, you are making your union stronger. Not yet a union member? Click here to join E tū.

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* 1. Your details:

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* 2. Are you an E tū member?

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* 3. What do you like the most about your job?

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* 4. What needs to change at your job to make it better?

Pay packages

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* 5. Please answer how strongly you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Does not apply
Right now, I am paid well enough to provide for myself and my family.
When we win pay rises, it's enough to keep up with the rising costs of living.
Our union should aim to have as many people as possible on or above the Living Wage – not just the minimum wage.
Support from the Government, such as programmes like Working for Families, is needed to make ends meet in our household.

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* 6. If we could improve our pay packet, how important is it that we focus on the following areas? Please rank in order of importance to you.

Job security and satisfaction

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* 7. Please answer how strongly you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
I feel like I have good job security and I'm not too worried about losing my job.
I understand what changes are happening and about to happen in my industry.
I think my employer has a plan to deal with future changes in my industry.
I have a say in changes that are made at work and I feel heard.
Overall, I have good opportunities to upskill at work.
I would like better access to on-the-job training and education.
It's easy to access NZQA qualifications at my work.

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* 8. If you were made redundant at work, how important would the following things be to help you get through? Please rank in order of importance to you.

Health, safety, and fairness

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* 9. Please answer how strongly you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
My workplace takes health and safety seriously.
I feel safe at work.
I feel comfortable raising health and safety concerns with my boss.
Workers are involved in decision-making about health and safety.
When there is a health and safety issue, it is dealt with quickly and effectively.
Injury and accident rehabilitation policies are in place and are fair.
Women are treated fairly at my work and are free from discrimination.
Diversity among my workmates is respected and valued.
Staffing levels on my site (or in my department) are about right.
I feel that the balance of combining my work, family, and personal life is about right.

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* 10. Which health and safety issues are particularly relevant at your work? (select as many as you like)

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* 11. I feel like my own hours of work are:

Voice - our say at work

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* 12. Please answer how strongly you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
At my work, we have a say in decisions that affect our jobs.
If we raise concerns, our employer will listen and act.
Our employer regularly asks for our opinions about work issues.
Me and my colleagues work together to address issues.
My employer has no problems with us being union.

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* 13. I know who my union delegates at work are.

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* 14. I know who my Health and Safety Representatives at work are.

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* 15. Workers are involved in electing the health and safety representatives at our workplace.

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* 16. There are tikanga (customary Māori) practices at my work.

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* 17. There are other cultural customs and/or respectful protocols at work.