Help us understand environmental journalism in the region

This 10-15 minute survey will help program planners and researchers assess the sector and understand your work and interests.

In Sept 2015, Mekong Matters Journalism Network started supporting and connecting journalists through workshops, story grants, networking, mentoring, The Mekong Eye website, and through local partners in Thailand (ThaiSEJ), Myanmar (MEJN), Cambodia (CEJN/CIMS), and Vietnam (VFEJ). We also work with Lao, Chinese and any other journalists working on Mekong region issues.

Thanks so much for helping!

Adam Hunt, Mekong Matters / MPE / EJN / Internews -

Question Title

* 2. NETWORKS: How are you involved with these?

  I'm a member I'm connected but not a member Not involved
Mekong Matters Journalism Network / MPE
Earth Journalism Network (EJN)
Cambodia Environmental Journalism Network (CEJN, CIMS) 
Myanmar Environmental Journalism Network (MEJN)
Thai Society of Environmental Journalists (ThaiSEJ)
Vietnam Forum of Environmental Journalists (VFEJ)

Question Title

* 3. STORIES: For 2016, estimate the approximate number (0, 1, 3, 10... etc) of stories you published (as reporter or editor) about these environmental issues. 

Question Title

* 4. In 2015-2016, did any of your environmental stories lead to changes in a project or a policy, help a community, influence a government/business or NGO? If so, please describe the event and the change. If Mekong Matters events/grants/assistance helped with the story, please describe as well.

Question Title

* 5. MEKONG JOURNALIST CONTACTS: In the past 12 months, name the journalists from other Mekong countries you contacted most to help you develop a regional environmental story.

Question Title

* 7. CHALLENGES/THREATS: How serious are these challenges/threats for you when covering environmental stories?

  Serious challenge Moderate challenge Not really a challenge
Budget is low
Editors not supportive
Audience not interested
Physical safety (threats, intimidation, assault)
Digital safety (hacking, intercepting messages)
Legal or political restrictions
Lack of journalism training
Lack of knowledge on environmental issues
Few connections/sources outside my country
NGOs,researchers are poor communicators

Question Title

* 8. PROGRAMS: What would be most useful to support you or your outlet to cover environmental stories?

  Extremely useful Very useful A little useful Not really useful
Field trips to environment sites
Journalism training / mentoring
Environmental knowledge workshops
Data journalism training
Physical or digital safety training
Story grants or fellowships
Connecting with journalists from my country
Connecting with international journalists
Connecting with NGOs or researchers
Connecting with government or business
Sharing info about events, stories, workshops, resources etc..

Question Title

* 12. Your name and media outlet (optional)

Question Title

* 13. Any other feedback for us? Thanks so much!