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* 3. Waiver

CrossFit Montreal inc.

4850 Saint-Ambroise

Suite 100, Montreal, PQ

H4C 3N8

Release and Waiver

In consideration of the use of the CrossFit Montreal Studio, I for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and
assigns, waive any claims to which I may become entitled for injury or damage and release CrossFit Montreal, its directors, officers and shareholders and all other representatives, employees, agents or any other person assisting in the activities of CrossFit Montreal from any claims for damages, injury or loss suffered by me as a result of my participation in the activities of CrossFit Montreal. I further state that I am in proper physical condition to participate in the activities of CrossFit Montreal and am aware that participation in such activities could in some circumstances, result in physical injury.

Please note that pictures or videos of groups in actions are taken in the normal course of our activities. If you do not want pictures or videos of you to be taken, it is your responsibility to advise us at the time.

(Minors, if participant is under the age of 18, Parent’s Signature or legal guardian’s signature)

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* 4. CrossFit Montreal Rules

Reservation and Scanning

- All members are required to reserve their spot prior to class via the Mindbody system.

- All members are required to scan their member card upon arrival to the gym.

- A lost or stolen scan card will be replaced at the cost of 2$


- It is strictly forbidden to use the gym without a valid membership

- All renewals / payments have to be done before the beginning of the class you wish to attend

- After 2 occasions of failed / refused payments on a recurring memberships, the member will have to pay the total remaining balance of that membership.

Amounts due

We will contact a client a maximum of 3 times when there is an outstanding balance due. If we do not hear from the said client after 3 occasions, we transfer the file to a collection agency.

Open Gym

An Open gym area is available for members (with an active membership) who would like to work on specific skills or lifts. Please note that there is no supervision in that area and that members use it at their own risk. The Open Gym area is available as an additional service at no extra charge and may be removed at any time.