ENERGY 2024 Conference Booking Template |
Let's set you up for success...
We are looking forward to making the conference a success together with you! The ENERGY 2024 Conference takes place on 19 and 20 November 2024 and is 100% online. The goal of the Conference is to educate about Energy and accelerate Energy Transition and Sustainability. It will be an exciting space for everyone who wants to drive positive change in this area.
What to expect:
We expect about 2000 live visitors. 100 excellent speakers will deliver ca. 40+ sessions throughout the conference. 80% of the Conference participants are Executives, Non-Executive-Directors, Senior Leaders of NGOs or world class experts / Consultants.
The conference is open to the public and free for everyone. This enables you to invite your network to this event without limitation. Historically we have seen ca 50% Shell Alumni, 20% Shell employees and 30% professionals from other backgrounds as well as interested citizens.
More information is available on the Conference Website.
Next steps:
- CHOOSE YOUR PACKAGE: We have one level of sponsorship available: The Partner package. Find out more on https://energy2024.org/sponsor/. Alternatively, Premium / Business Members of SAN can book a Virtual Booth free of charge. An invoice will be sent to you after you submitted this survey.
- PROVIDE YOUR CONTENT: Please provide as much information as possible as early as possible. This allows us to include your information in our promotion and will enhance the impact you can make by using the event for your own promotional purposes. The information does not need to be complete or final. You can update your content any time using this updatable survey. The content needs to be final by cob 15 November 2024.
- PREPARE ON THE CONFERENCE PLATFORM: After receiving your input, we will set your information up in the system. We give up to 2 people early access to the conference platform 3 days before the conference. You can enter the platform as often as you wish from that moment on. You can enhance your booth and add as many additional documents and links as you like using the "CTA" button (Call To Action Button) in your booth.
- PROMOTE: You can invite your network for the conference (for free). The earlier you start the promotion, the better. They need to register online as indicated on the Conference Website www.energy2024.org
We are keen to make this a great experience for you and make the biggest possible impact on Energy & Sustainability. Don't hesitate to contact with any questions you may have.
The ENERGY Conference Organising team