Introductory Letter to Survey

Dear Respondent,
We are conducting a survey of the elderly in Barbados to examine their needs, concerns and views on the various services and services providers in Government, private sector and other sectors in the country.

This survey has been commissioned by the Pan-American Health Organisation, in collaboration with the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, to gather necessary information from the elderly (those aged 65 years or older) to better service their diverse needs in a number of key areas of society.   

As part of this process, we have reached out to you to conduct this survey to obtain critical data on your views and experiences as a member of the elderly population. All information provided will be treated in a confidential manner and your identity will not be disclosed to anyone outside of this research investigation.

We are therefore asking for your honest and full participation in completing this survey during the next 10-15 minutes and we thank you in advance for your cooperation in this activity.

If needed, you can contact any of the Consultants responsible for this survey below :

Dr. Lawrence Nurse
Contact number 246-850-3050

Professor Dwayne Devonish
Contact number 246-830-9349

If you (or the participant) are 65 years or over and currently reside in Barbados, please continue to the next page to complete survey.