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* 1. Are you male or female?

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* 2. How old are you? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. Which of the following internet dating sites do you use or have you used in the past? (select all that apply)

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* 4. What best describes your relationship status or philosophy? (check all that apply)

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* 5. What age range do you seek to date in (older, younger, same)? I am also interested in whether you have differences based on goals? For example, if you are looking for sex do you seek someone of a different age compared to if you were looking for a relationship?

For the questions below.  Think about this in terms of what your experience has been.  What kinds of things immediately made you say YES.  What kinds of things immediately made you say NO WAY. Also think of this like you are giving your best friend of the opposite sex a crash course in what to do and not do.  How do you keep them from making a fool of themselves and how do you assure they get the girl or guy they want.

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* 6. What are the top 3-5 mistakes you feel people make in their profile pictures? I am interested in what turns you off. In this case try to look past the obvious issue of looks or being overweight. Examples: pictures of politics or religion, pictures of children, duck faces, hunting pictures, cleavage shots, underwear shots, etc. (this is about helping people know what not to do)

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* 7. What are the best practices you feel people can do with their profile pictures (both the major photo and the other photos)? I am interested in what turns you on or gets your attention. Please look past the obvious weight and attraction issue.  What types of pictures do you like to see? Examples: nice smile, adventurous, full body shots, bathing suit, etc.

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* 8. What are the top 3-5 mistakes you feel people make in their personal descriptions? I am interested in what turns you off.

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* 9. What are the BEST practices you feel people should make in their personal descriptions? I am interested in what turns you on or gets your interest piqued.

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* 10. If you were going to give someone advice on how to approach you if their major goal was sex, what would you say are the steps or approach they should take. (i.e. what are the dos and don'ts)

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* 11. If you were going to give someone advice on how to approach you if their major goal was a relationship, what would you say are the steps or approach they should take. (i.e. what are the dos and don'ts)

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* 12. Internet dating in some ways levels the playing field from the traditional "guy approaches girl" model.

Ladies, have you ever initiated a conversation, not a wink but an actual message, with a guy? And if so, how did that go?

If you're a man, have you ever been on the receiving end of a first message? If so, how did that go for you?

For the following questions think of this like the courtship phase. They have got your attention and you have made a match. What now?  What are the big turns ons and turn offs.  The must dos and the never dos.  Remember that one time they did everything right until....  That is the kind of stuff we are after here. Especially things you have seen people repeat again and again that are especially endearing/good or especially horrifying/bad.

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* 13. If you were going to give someone advice on best practices for what the first text or email message should be, what would you say? (think of the things that would immediately turn you on, get your interest or at least make you respect the person)

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* 14. If you were going to give someone advice on the WORST ways to approach the first text or email message, what would you say? (think of the things that would immediately turn you off, get you to delete them or at least make you not respect the person)

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* 15. Thank you for your time.  I don't want to take too much more of it, but this last question may be the most important. What is your philosophy on dating and the human sexual experience? Obviously sex is one of the key human needs as is mental/emotional connectedness. What are your thoughts on how people should approach it?  Another way to think about this question is the following:  If you were interested in learning about dating and human relationship psychology, what do you feel that book or program would need to teach you (what one thing do you feel you could benefit from knowing more about)?

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* 16. Is there anything you feel I missed or am unaware of that I should know related to dating either online or offline for people in the above 30 age range?

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* 17.

Thank you. To get access to your free report on the male side of the equation. Please go to the following link and download the report titled "The Girl's Guide To Sex & Dating Online." CLICK HERE TO ACCESS YOUR FREE REPORT

If you would like to leave your name and contact information to possibly be included in the finished product (as a testimonial, to tell your story, to give expert advice, etc).  Please leave your full name and email below or any other contact details you wish (remember, if you choose not to leave any info, this survey is completely anonymous). Thank you.