
The purpose of this survey is to collect information on additional countries who earmark for health, as well as to validate details on those countries currently included in the database presented on the JLN website. We thank you for your responses in advance!

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* 1. Are there countries that you know of who earmark for health that are not currently included in this database? If so, please list below. If you would like to include details on countries or instruments that are currently listed in the database, please also include these below with one line per instrument per country. If you know of more than five examples in total, you may complete the questionnaire multiple times

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* 4. In your opinion, does earmarking for health result in more money for the health sector or designated expenditure purpose overall, and/or does it help to garner political support for various priorities? Please explain.

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* 5. In your opinion, does earmarking for health create harmful rigidities for the ministry of finance, for other sectors, within the health sector, or have negative impacts on budgeting overall? Please explain.

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* 6. Do you know of an example where during a fiscal crisis, an earmark for health has limited the ability of the ministry of finance to put in place counter-cyclical spending, or shift funds in a way that has negatively impacted fiscal stability of the country overall?

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* 7. In any particular example, could you point to factors that lead to the "success" or "failure" of the earmark?

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* 8. Do you know of relatable experiences from earmarking in other sectors than health that would be worth exploring? 

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* 9. Any other comments or thoughts that you would like to share on earmarking for health, or this study overall?