Introduction and Preliminary Information

This survey is a tool to support your visit to the Wadhwani Foundation Partner Training facility and ensure you observe and capture relevant feedback which can be used by Field teams as well as other WF Teams.

The key questions we are trying to find out are:
a. How well is our content (and various elements within it) being received? By Students and Faculty
b. Is the class being run effectively? Is the faculty doing what he/she is supposed to do?
c. Is the pedagogy  effective? What works and what doesn't?
d. Is the course achieving its outcomes  by building competencies in the students? What changes or additional offerings are needed to improve the outcomes?

This form has three parts:
1. Background information (Q1): Can be completed before start of session
2. Class Observation (Q2-4) : you should sit quietly at the back of the room and just observe (and note down in this survey) how the class is run and the response to WF eContent
3. Feedback, Suggestions and Actions (Q5-7) that come out of discussions with students and faculty. This can be entered AFTER the session or even after your interaction (you can note down on paper during the discussion (if easier) and then type it into this survey)

1.  If internet is not likely to be available. please download the app "SurveyMonkey Anywhere" on your mobile phone to enter this survey. You will have to create your own account and get a copy of this survey shared with you. Else, you can just use the survey link and enter responses in your browser on your laptop or mobile phone.
2.  Fill the survey on your mobile or computer while you are observing the session.
3. If possible, video record the session using your mobile phone (ideally on a tripod) if the faculty/students give you permission to do so - please ask them if it is OK before you start recording. This can be shared with your field team/WF Impact Team. Also, if possible, record video testimonials of both faculty and select students, separately after/before the session. 
4. After you have started filling the survey, please DO NOT close your browser NOR click the submit button until you have filled out all 7 questions (The survey automatically saves your responses as you are filling them. You may need more time for the last page with Q 5-7 on Feedback, Suggestions & Actions. You can continue filling your responses even after closing your laptop and coming back to it at a later time)