Community Planning Engagement

We have facilitated engagement with the public; taking into account our section 75 duty; collated and reviewed relevant statistics in relation to the social, economic and environmental  issues associated with the new Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area and completed a Strategy content review over the past few months.

Below is a list of potential Priorities and Outcomes emerging from initial discussions and review of the data.
TELL US which matters most to YOU  ?

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* 1. Please choose 3 of the 7 environmental priorities listed below; which you believe should be considered in the Community Plan (they do not have to be considered  in order of preference) 1, 2 and 3. YOU MUST ONLY PICK THREE !

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* 2. Do you think that any other relevant environmental issues should be included in the list above? If so, tell us what they should be below:

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* 3. Do you agree with the list of draft outcomes for the environmental  theme ? Please indicate below by ticking all or the ones you agree with. (e.g. outcomes should demonstrate where we hope to be in 10 years time )

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* 4. If you would like to make any additional comments in relation to environmental  concerns or the content of the draft priorities and outcomes, please do so in the comment box below.

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* 5. We would like to keep in touch with everyone that has taken the time to complete the survey and get involved in the Community Planning Process so please complete the personal information below if you would like to hear from us. Your data will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) .

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* 6. Are you male or female?

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* 7. Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?

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* 8. Family Status

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* 9. Ethnic Origin/ Race :

Under the Disability Discrimination Act ( 1995) a disabled person is defined as a person with :
'A physical or mental impairment, which has substantial or long term adverse effect on their ability to carry out a normal days activities'

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* 10. Disability: Having read the information above , do you consider yourself to have a disability?

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* 11. If yes to the above question ( 10) please give details of the type of disability?

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* 12. In relation to the above questions do you have any supports needs which could impede your attendance which the council may be able to address ? Please specify below:

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* 13. Perceived Religion Affiliation Background
For most of us in Northern Ireland we are perceived to be from either the Protestant or Catholic community. Please indicate the community to which you belong below:

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* 14. Which category best describes your age?


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* 15. Please indicate your political opinion?

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* 16. Please indicate your sexual orientation?

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* 17. Which part of the District do you live in ?

Thank you for taking part in our Community Planning Engagement Process.
We welcome your input and hope you will continue to engage with us throughout this process.

If you would like further information you can check us out on facebook at or Twitter at or pop over to the Council website @

Alternatively, contact Community Planning Officer Mrs Kim Weir on 0300 303 1777 extension 20206
or Head of Community Planning and Performance Management Mrs Kim McLaughlin on 0300 303 1777 extension 20209.