Hello! Sue Beckwith here.  The Texas Center for Local Food has been part of a group working on a draft food charter for central Texas and we’ve been asked to gather thoughts from folks around the region. This draft charter is intended as a general statement outlining the intentions of the (future) signers for our region's food system.

If you'd rather call me, that's cool.  512-496-1244.  All questions are optional.  Thank you in advance!

See the Draft charter at this link.

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* 1. Do you see yourself in this charter and what’s important to you in your work represented in the draft food charter? And if so, how/where? If not, what is missing?

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* 2. What potential benefits can you envision stemming from this collaboration?

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* 3. What needs to happen to improve the local food system that isn’t currently happening now?

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* 4. What barriers do you foresee in achieving stated vision?

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* 5. Please add your additional specific feedback on vision

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* 6. Please add your additional specific feedback on values.

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* 7. Any other thoughts?

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* 8. Share your contact if you'd like