Developers Promoting Accessibility & Diversity (DPAD) Initiative |
Welcome to the DPAD Initiative Application
Thank you for your interest in being a part of the DPAD Initiative. The DPAD Initiative aims to give developers from diverse backgrounds (including developers who are disabled, people of color, women, and/or members of the LGBTGIA+ community) the opportunity to attend a free session of the AbleGamers Accessible Player Experience Practitioner (APXP) Course.
In order to understand you a little better, we are asking you to complete this brief application. This application will ask you for your contact information, social media accounts, your background in game development, some demographics, and insight into your interest in the APXP Course.
None of this information will be shared in a way in which you could be identified beyond the Professional Development team at The AbleGamers Charity. We will not share your information with your employer. Any inclusion of this data in reports, publications, or presentations will only be in summary or an anonymized form.
When applying, please keep in mind that admissions to the DPAD Initiative are rolling as the AbleGamers Charity continues to host APXP courses going forward. While this does not guarantee your selection, it does mean that your application may remain in the review process as selections continue to be made. As such, there is no need to resubmit your application if time has passed.
To indicate you understand and consent to the above, please select "Next" to continue to the application.