Question Title

* 1. Please enter your name and email address associated with your MPOWER Loan Application.

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* 2. When will I be required to start making monthly payments on this loan?

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* 3. I will continue to make monthly interest-only payments during the 6-month grace period after graduation.

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* 4. MPOWER helps me build my US credit history by reporting on my balance and monthly payments history.

Question Title

* 5. What is the fixed interest rate for this loan product?

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* 6. My interest rate can be lowered by 0.50% if I am enrolled in automatic withdrawals, an additional 0.50% if I also make 6 consecutive monthly payments on time and 0.50% if I provide proof graduation and full-time employment.

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* 7. What is the maximum loan term?

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* 8. There is no prepayment penalty. As long as I make my minimum monthly payment I can pay as often and as much as I like.

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* 9. If I have specific disbursement requests, MPOWER suggests I contact my university’s Financial Aid Office to verify their disbursement policy before final acceptance of  my MPOWER loan terms

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* 10. MPOWER helps international students obtain their U.S. visa by offering a support letter if/when students are conditionally approved for a loan.

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* 11. I understand the loan product that I am applying for?

Question Title

* 12. You will hear back from our Customer Success Team on the status of your application within 2-3 business days. To expedite, please ensure you have uploaded all required documents to your MPOWER Dashboard by visiting Also, please list below any outstanding questions or support you may need.  Our team will review before following-up with you.

Optional Feedback: At MPOWER Financing, we want to serve you better. Please take a minute to tell us what you think of us so far; your responses will have NO impact on your application.

**Please be sure to click "Done" at the end of the survey to submit your response.**

Question Title

* 13. Please tell us how you feel about the following:

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
application process
interest rates
repayment terms
loan amount
customer service and support

Question Title

* 14. When applying to MPOWER Financing, please tell us what you feel is most important (1) to least important (7). You can drag or use the drop down menu to rank your selection.

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* 15. How likely is it that you would recommend MPOWER Financing to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 16. Please provide comments to help us understand your ratings.

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* 17. Do you know where to go to get help and/or resources for career planning?

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* 18. An MPOWER loan is more than just a loan - our goal is to set you up for success beyond graduation. If MPOWER were to offer you a tool that allowed you search for jobs based on your degree, skills, education level, and preferred work location, at no cost, is this something you would find valuable?

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is very important.