Conference Evaluation

Please tell us your opinion about the DOHaD Canada 2019 Annual Meeting. This survey should take you ~5 minutes to complete and your feedback is essential to ensure that we continue to deliver the type of meetings YOU want! Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.
The first set of questions will ask you your experience learning about the 2019 annual meeting and registering for the meeting:

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* 1. The 2019 annual meeting page ( on the DOHaD Canada website ( was easy to navigate and find information such as how to register, book accommodation, learn about the meeting programme?

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* 2. The steps of the online-registration process were clear and it was easy to register and pay.

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* 3. How would you rate the communications leading up to the 2019 annual meeting?

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* 4. Do you have any suggestions to make the annual meeting page, registration, and/or communications more user-friendly and informative?

The next set of questions will ask you about the programme content and value of the 2019 meeting:

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* 5. How would you rate the value of the 2019 meeting? (i.e. how beneficial was the information presented at the meeting?)

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* 6. How satisfied were you with the themes chosen for the 2019 meeting? (Recall the themes were Epigenetics and Omics Mechanisms Underlying DOHaD, Solution-Oriented DOHaD, and Vulnerable and At Risk Populations)

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* 7. What themes or specific topics that were not covered this year would you like to see covered at future meetings?

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* 8. This year, we tried to present research and labs that haven’t typically been represented at previous DOHaD meetings. Overall, how satisfied were you with the speakers and research chosen to be highlighted at the 2019 meeting?

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* 9. How do you rate the overall quality of the Principal Investigator speakers?

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* 10. How do you rate the overall quality of the trainee speakers?

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* 11. This year, we invited two keynote speakers. Please indicate your level of agreement with having two keynote speakers.

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* 12. How would you rate the keynote presentation from Dr. Tessa Roseboom: Lessons from the past for a healthier future?

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* 13. How would you rate the keynote presentation from Dr. Robert A. Waterland: Epigenetic supersimilarity of monozygotic twins: Implications for DOHaD?

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* 14. How would you rate the DOHaD Connections: Outreach, Networking and Collaboration Event?

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* 15. How would you you rate the DOHaD Canada Annual General Meeting?

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* 16. This year, we structured the programme to run over 1.5 days (vs. only a 1 day programme in previous years). How satisfied were you with the length of the programme this year?

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* 17. Were the sessions the right length?

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* 18. Did you leave the conference having:

  Yes No
Learned something new about DOHaD?
Made a new connection?
Interacted with our keynote speakers (Dr. Roseboom and/or Dr. Waterland)?
Developed a new idea?
Practiced your “elevator pitch”?
Received useful feedback on your research?
Given useful feedback on someone else’s research?

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* 19. Did the conference meet your expectations?

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* 20. How likely are you to attend this conference again next year?

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* 21. If not likely, why not?

The next set of questions will ask you about the venue:

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* 22. How would you rate the conference venue?

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* 23. How would you rate the accommodations?

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* 24. How would you rate the meals?

The last set of questions gather necessary administrative information to help us tailor our activities and communications to you:

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* 25. Have you attended this conference before?

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* 26. What factors determine your decision to attend the DOHaD Canada Annual Meeting? (check all that apply)

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* 27. What is your current position?

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* 28. If Faculty:

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* 29. If Trainee:

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* 30. Are you a member of DOHaD Canada?

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* 31. Are you a member of the International DOHaD Society?

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* 32. Please suggest names for next year's Keynote and/or PI talks:

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* 33. Additional comments:

Thank you for completing our Conference Evaluation Form!

We will compile a report about the conference for dissemination to our DOHaD Canada community.