Calling for EDII committee members for DOHaD Canada Society |
The DOHaD Canada Society is committed to fostering a dynamic and inclusive organization where the principles and practices of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity (EDII) are woven into the foundation of our Society. As such, Council has approved the formation of an EDII committee that will be responsible for the governance and implementation of the EDII Strategic Plan, integrating EDII principles within the existing framework of the Council and Executive within our society.
The EDII committee is composed of two co-chairs (at least one Council appointed member), and up to five Society members. The Committee is co-chaired by the Council appointed EDII Chair - currently Dr Deborah Sloboda (Professor and Associate Chair Research at McMaster University) is the inaugural Chair of the EDII committee, and one elected co-chair – currently Dr. Kozeta Miliku (Assistant Professor at University of Toronto).
The Council now calls for expressions of interest from the Society to be a part of the EDII Committee. Up to five positions are available (at least one (most two) position must be held by a trainee (MSc, PhD, PDF or clinical fellow). Together, EDII Committee, will develop and implement the Society's EDII Strategic Plan and to ensure that Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity principles are integrated into all aspects of the Society's activities. The estimated commitment is approximately 2-5 hours per quarter and the term is 2 years (at max with one renew).
1. Be a member of the International DOHaD Society and the DOHaD Canada Society
2. Be involved in an active research program/study (or the equivalent (e.g. part of a research lab)) in DOHaD - related research
3. Trainees are encouraged to apply; at least one position, with a maximum of two, will be trainee(s) position (MSc, PhD or PDF, Clinical Fellow)
4. Have employed EDII approaches to research
The EDII committee is composed of two co-chairs (at least one Council appointed member), and up to five Society members. The Committee is co-chaired by the Council appointed EDII Chair - currently Dr Deborah Sloboda (Professor and Associate Chair Research at McMaster University) is the inaugural Chair of the EDII committee, and one elected co-chair – currently Dr. Kozeta Miliku (Assistant Professor at University of Toronto).
The Council now calls for expressions of interest from the Society to be a part of the EDII Committee. Up to five positions are available (at least one (most two) position must be held by a trainee (MSc, PhD, PDF or clinical fellow). Together, EDII Committee, will develop and implement the Society's EDII Strategic Plan and to ensure that Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity principles are integrated into all aspects of the Society's activities. The estimated commitment is approximately 2-5 hours per quarter and the term is 2 years (at max with one renew).
1. Be a member of the International DOHaD Society and the DOHaD Canada Society
2. Be involved in an active research program/study (or the equivalent (e.g. part of a research lab)) in DOHaD - related research
3. Trainees are encouraged to apply; at least one position, with a maximum of two, will be trainee(s) position (MSc, PhD or PDF, Clinical Fellow)
4. Have employed EDII approaches to research