This survey is intended to seek the thoughts and opinions of young people throughout the Diocese of Charleston. The Diocesan Youth Office values the input of the youth throughout the Diocese and is asking for your help so we can better plan to serve the young church in the coming years. This survey will be used by several different offices, but the main focus will be on what we can do better to serve the young church as we develop our new five - year plan.

Question Title

* 1. What Parish do you attend?

Question Title

* 2. What grade are you in?

Question Title

* 3. Do you attend:

Question Title

* 4. Describe your race/ethnicity:

Question Title

* 5. Male or Female?

Question Title

* 6. How were you invited to take the survey?

Question Title

* 7. How often do you attend your parish’s youth ministry?

Question Title

* 8. If you don’t attend youth group, what is the main reason why?

Question Title

* 9. If you attend youth group, what is the main reason you go?

Question Title

* 10. I feel valued as a member of our parish youth ministry program?

Question Title

* 11. If you stopped going to youth group do you think anybody would know/or care?

Question Title

* 12. Youth Ministry in my parish has helped me:

Question Title

* 13. What was the first thing you noticed when you first started going to youth group?

Question Title

* 14. What style would you rather encounter/learn your faith:

Question Title

* 15. If you could tell your youth minister one thing – what would you say?

Question Title

* 16. If you could tell your youth group one thing - what would you say?

Question Title

* 17. Youth ministry should be more _________ and less __________.

Question Title

* 18. Do you agree attending youth group helps prepare you for the real world?

Question Title

* 19. Do you think you are being formed in your youth ministry program to share Christ with those around you?

Question Title

* 20. Please rate the quality of religious instruction and education about faith that you think your parish/school offers you and people your age?

Question Title

* 21. Which of the following has made the greatest impact in drawing you closer to Christ?

Question Title

* 22. Which of the following best describes your Religious Education experience?

Question Title

* 23. I feel my catechists were:

Question Title

* 24. In my experience Religious Education is:

Question Title

* 25. What do you think would improve your religious education experience?

Question Title

* 26. How often do you go to Mass?

Question Title

* 27. Do you enjoy going to Mass?

Question Title

* 28. What would help improve your Church attendance

Question Title

* 29. What is the main reason that you don’t go? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 30. How often do you go to confession?

Question Title

* 31. Have you ever considered a vocation to the priesthood or religious life?

Question Title

* 32. Has anyone ever asked you about being called to a vocation?

Question Title

* 33. How do you best share your faith?

Question Title

* 34. What keeps you from sharing your faith?

Question Title

* 35. How often do you do volunteer work at church, school, or your community?

Question Title

* 36. How much does Church teaching affect your daily life and decisions?

Question Title

* 37. How do you feel your parish accepts youth?

Question Title

* 38. Youth are welcomed to take on active roles in ministries at your parish

Question Title

* 39. How influential have the following people been in your faith?

  Very Much A fair amount Very Little No influence
A family member
Other than parents
Teacher/ Catechist
Youth Minister
Someone else

Question Title

* 40. When do you feel closest to God?

Question Title

* 41. What’s the most difficult thing about being Catholic?

Question Title

* 42. I have a relationship with Christ:

Question Title

* 43. I believe Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist:

Question Title

* 44. I pray for the intercession of Mary and the Saints

Question Title

* 45. Sex before marriage is sinful

Question Title

* 46. Marriage is between one man and one woman:

Question Title

* 47. All belief systems/ religions are equal:

Question Title

* 48. Right and Wrong are a matter of personal opinion:

Question Title

* 49. There is life after death:

Question Title

* 50. God has determined what is right and wrong

Question Title

* 51. How often do you pray?

Question Title

* 52. I feel called to serve in a parish ministry

Question Title

* 53. I will likely to continue to attend Mass when I go off to college/live outside of my parent's house

Question Title

* 54. Do you think you will still be involved in the Catholic church in five years?

Question Title

* 55. Have you ever thought about leaving the Catholic church?

Question Title

* 56. Name the biggest challenge that youth face today:

Question Title

* 57. What scares you about your future? (Please select all that apply)

Question Title

* 58. How can the Church help youth that are hurting

Question Title

* 59. What is one thing that you would like your Pastor to know?

Question Title

* 60. What can your church do to get more youth involved?

Question Title

* 61. Do you know what the Diocesan Youth Ministry Office does in the Diocese?

Question Title

* 62. If you have attended, please rate:

  Life Changing Awesome Okay Bad experience N/A
Jr. High Rally
Jr. High CLI
Jr. High Young Ladies Retreat
Search Retreat Program
High School CLI
High School Youth Conference
High School Young Men's Retreat
High School Young Ladies Retreat
Core Training
National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)
Stand Up for Life Rally
World Youth Day
Diocesan Youth Evangelization Team

Question Title

* 63. What is one thing that the Diocesan Youth Office should offer that we are not offering currently?

Question Title

* 64. How important is social media, blogs, resources, from the Office of Youth Ministry?

Question Title

* 65. Would you be interested in a special retreat just for juniors and seniors helping students get ready for college life?

Question Title

* 66. If you would be interested in a special retreat for juniors and seniors, how long would you like the retreat?

Question Title

* 67. Would you be interested in a work camp during the summer? (Basic schedule would be the following: Mass, Breakfast, Worksites, Afternoon seminars on Catholic social teaching; parish time, Free time, Dinner, Concert/Rally type evening with adoration/ reconciliation for a very low cost. Worksites would be at poor parishes/schools, soup kitchens, etc.)

Question Title

* 68. What are your thoughts on having two different youth groups at your parish – a Hispanic youth group and everyone else youth group?

Question Title

* 69. Have you had any interaction with the Diocesan Missionary Team (DMT)?

Question Title

* 70. If yes, what was your experience?

Question Title

* 71. Would you be interested in doing missionary work after high school?

Question Title

* 72. Any additional comments?