Question Title

* I am in _____________ grade.

Question Title

* Please rate each statement.

  Most of the time Some of the time Not often Almost never
I usually look forward to going to school
My teacher and principal have high expectations for me.
Students are treated fairly by the teachers and principal
I have fun learning

Question Title

* Please finish this statement, at my school

  Most of the time Some of the time Not often Almost never
The adults who work in my school treat students with respect.
There are clear rules against hurting other people (for example, hitting pushing or tripping. 
There is a way to report unsafe or dangerous behavior at my school without anyone knowing it was me.
My teacher thinks I will be successful.
Students treat me with respect and are friendly.

Question Title

* Please rate each statement about the subjects and special classes you have at school.

  Most of the time Some of the time Not often Almost never
I am becoming a better reader.
My writing skills are getting better.
I understand math and use it to solve problems.
I understand how to use the scientific process to answer questions in science.
I see how learning about social studies helps me to be a better citizen.
I am learning more about music and art and how it connects to my life.
I am learning more about physical education and how it connects to my life.
My teacher uses different activities to help me learn.
My teacher helps make the things we study interesting and fun.
I am expected to do work on my own to show that I understand something.

Question Title

* Please rate each question about your learning.

  Most of the time Some of the time Not often Almost never
My teacher listens to my ideas and believes I can learn.
I am challenged by the work my teacher asks me to do.
An adult helps me when I don't understand something.
I am a good student.
I feel comfortable participating during a lesson.
Using computers and the Internet makes class work more fun.

Question Title

* What do you like about this school?

Question Title

* What do you wish I would have asked you about your school?

Question Title

* What do you wish were different at this school?