Welcome and thank you!

In my thirty-plus-year career in Learning and Development, one of the most important things I’ve learned is the concept of mindset. I’m not going to say too much about it yet as I don’t want to influence your responses to the survey questions. But know that after the survey you’ll have a chance to learn more about what kind of mindset you have and why it’s so important.
Seriously, mindset is likely the number one skill you didn’t know you needed.

Each question gives you two options to choose from. Pick the one that describes you most often, in most situations. Be honest!  Seriously, this survey is private and you’ll get more out of it if you’re super honest in your replies.
The quiz was designed using Carol Dweck’s outstanding book: Mindset, the new psychology of success, how we can learn to fulfill our potential.
The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.

Lee-Anne Ragan

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Here we go….

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* 1. When you make a mistake do you tend to see it as:

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* 2. Do you tend to think you’re pretty much set in your skills/what you know or that you’re constantly developing?

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* 3. Which one is more important to you, what do you tend to focus more on?

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* 4. Do you tend to feel the need to prove yourself over and over or do you focus on trying new strategies and getting help from others?

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* 5. Do you tend to surround yourself with people who massage your self-esteem or people who tend to challenge you and help you grow?

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* 6. When something goes wrong do you tend to blame others, get defensive, feel like a loser, and have hard times with setbacks or do you try harder, try another tactic, and/or ask for help?

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* 7. Are you generally not open to other people giving you feedback about yourself, especially if it’s negative or are you open to accurate information about yourself, even if it’s negative?

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* 8. Do you tend to give in, and give up when the going gets tough or do you tend to be persistent and not give up easily?

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* 9. Do you tend to focus on making sure you succeed or making sure you stretch yourself, learn and grow?

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* 10. Do you believe people have a certain amount of set intelligence or do you believe you can substantially change how intelligent you are?

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* 11. Do you prefer things that are within your grasp and safe or do you thrive on challenges and being stretched?

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* 12. Do you generally  expect to succeed quickly or do you acknowledge it takes time to flower and grow?

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* 13. If you had to choose one of the following, which would you choose?

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* 14. Do you tend to need validation from others?

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* 15. Do you usually feel defined by your failures (you may say to yourself “I’m a failure”) or do you see yourself not defined by your failures because you focus on learning?

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* 16. Are you afraid to try new things or do you appreciate the effort that goes into learning new things?

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* 17. Do you tend to get discouraged when a big effort is required for something or do you value what you’re doing regardless of the outcome?

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* 18. Do you tend to focus on the outcome or the process?

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* 19. Do challenges tend to erode your self-confidence or build it up?

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* 20. If you were taking a test and got some answers wrong and you could see OTHER people’s test results would you tend to focus on other people’s test results who did poorer than you (to make yourself feel better) or those who did better than you (so you could learn from them)?

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* 21. On a bad day (remember this is a private quiz so be honest) might you tend towards being intimidating and have a sense of entitlement to make yourself feel better or not?

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* 22. Do you tend to see problems as revealing your deep-seated flaws or as an opportunity to grow and learn?

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* 23. If you get rejected by someone do you tend to judge yourself harshly and go over the situation endlessly or do you tend to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on?

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* 24. Do you tend to be unforgiving or forgiving towards yourself when you make mistakes?