Introduction and Getting Started:

The world is changing so fast and technology is so fast-paced sometimes we don't usually stop to think "what has actually shifted here?". In conjunction with some of our partners, we wanted to ask the pivotal business and digital transformation questions that make C-suite leadership, change agents and digital management smarter and more current in what they do.

Attached you will find the 25+ most pressing questions we think are on people's minds concerning business change, digital transformation and their murky and fast approaching future. Allow 10-15 minutes as an expectation to fill out the complete survey (our hope is you will find our questions just as interesting as your answers).

At Precog Digital, we look forward to your survey responses, sharing the toplines back to you in the Fall'16 and involving you in our follow up report and presentations. We may even want to interview you for our report (please indicate your willingness at the end of the survey). We've also provided a chance* incentive of new business and digital thought leadership from five of our author friends for completing this survey. 
Happy Answering,
Sean Moffitt/Eric Weaver, Precog Digital Managing Directors (

Question Title

* 1. How Large is the Company You Work For? (if you are in an agency/conulstancy/service business, this may be the main client your work for)

Question Title

* 2. What Industry Do You Work In?

Question Title

* 3. What Function Do You Work In (or deal with the most in a consultant/agency role)?

Question Title

* 4. What Level Within a Company Do You Work At?

Question Title

* 5. In terms of digital transformation, your company rates as (from least-to-most mature options below):

Question Title

* 6. In terms of your own personal digital skills and experience, you would consider yourself: