Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Mailing Address

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. Which topics related to the Des Sources Wind Project are you interested in learning more about?

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* 5. Do you support wind energy development in your community?

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* 6. Are you familiar with the benefits of wind energy?

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* 7. What is the best way to provide a two-way dialogue and ensure that feedback from the local community is heard and incorporated into project plans?

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* 8. Do you have any other questions, comments or concerns about the Des Sources Wind Project?

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* 9. Would you like someone from BluEarth or Plan A Capital to contact you directly regarding any responses to this survey?

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* 10. Would you like someone from BluEarth or Plan A Capital to contact you about participating as a Landowner and signing an Option Agreement:

Question Title

* 11. Collection of information