Decent work means we have good jobs that are fair to us and allow us to participate in our communities.  This survey is about finding out what good jobs means for you, and whether you, yourself, are in a good job. By taking part you are helping us find out what's important to workers and what needs to improve. Not yet a union member? Click here to join E tū.

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* 1. How did you arrive at this survey?

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* 2. Your details:

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* 3. How many jobs do you have?

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* 4. How many years have you been employed in your main job?

Decent Work

Question Title

* 5. How important do you feel is each of the following, to you personally, in a job?
Rate on a scale of 1 (Most important) to 7 (Least important).

  1 (Most important) 2 3 4 (Neither important or unimportant) 5 6 7 (Least important)
A decent income
Job security
Good opportunities for advancement
Low health and safety risks (physical and psychological)
Reasonable time pressures (no long hours, tight deadlines or high speed of work)
Leave provisions (annual, parental and other leave)
Sick leave provisions
Be able to apply my skills on the job and be recognised for my abilities
Have opportunities for further training and upskilling
Being able to balance work with personal and family life
A healthy and positive workplace environment
A strong union to protect workers
Being able to influence decisions in my workplace
Having my opinions and ideas at work taken seriously by my team and management
The reputation of my company as an employer
Please answer the following questions thinking about your main job
Decent Income

Question Title

* 6. Thinking about your main job

  1. Yes 2. No 3. Prefer not to say
Do you earn a living wage of at least $22.75 or above?
Are you paid enough to provide for yourself and your family?
Do you receive financial support from the government to make ends meet in your household? (e.g. Working for Families, Sole Parent Support)
Does your pay recognise your skills and level of responsibility at your current job?
Secure work

Question Title

* 7. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, thinking about your main job

  1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
My job is secure
I am guaranteed the number of hours I want to work
Losing my job would cause extreme financial difficulties to me or my family

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* 8. What type of job are you currently in and what type of job would you prefer?

  1. Full Time 2. Part Time 3. Contract 4. Casual
Current job type
Preferred, ideal job type

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* 9. If there was a restructure at your workplace, how important would each of the following options be for you personally to ensure you are not worse off?

  1. Very important 2. Important 3. Neither important nor unimportant 4. Not important 5. Not important at all
Redundancy payments
Income after I am made redundant until I find another suitable job
Redeployment into another job or company
Upskilling and training towards new skills
Being able to participate in the decisions around the changes
Help with my CV and interview skills

Question Title

* 10. If there was a restructure at your workplace, which of the following options does your company currenlty offer to make sure you are not worse off?

A quality work environment

Question Title

* 11. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, thinking about your current job

  1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
I feel safe at work (there is no risk of harm or injury to me physically or psychologically)
I can balance my personal and family needs in this job
It is easy for me to take an hour or two off during working hours to take care of a personal or family matter
I get opportunities for additional training or upskilling
My workplace environment is healthy and positive
My manager/s treat/s me with dignity and respect
Staffing levels are about right
My company has a good reputation as an employer

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* 12. In the last two years, have you been discriminated against in your current job?

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* 13. In the last two years, have you been harassed by management or your co-workers at your job? (e.g. bullying, or physical or emotional abuse)

Workers' voice

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* 14. How would you describe the level of support your employer and management show towards union membership, union representatives and collective bargaining?

Question Title

* 15. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements, thinking about your current job

  1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
I am able to influence decisions in my workplace
My opinions and ideas at work are taken seriously by management
We have a strong union
There are established Health and Safety Reps
If I had a health and safety concern it would be taken seriously and fixed
There are established work place committees or meetings where members' issues are discussed with management

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* 16. What is your age?

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* 17. What is your gender?

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* 18. Which ethnic group(s) do you identify with?

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* 19. Thank you so much for your time!  We left optional space here for your to tell us in your own words, what does 'decent work' mean to you?

Thank you for completing the survey. This survey aims to understand collective needs of members. If you are having an issue you want help with at work please call our 0800 1 UNION (0800 186 466) number for support.